Eating Disorders – Mood and Treatment

Although we can try to characterize the humor physically, often what we see in the other, does not explain their difficulties internally. We can observe someone who presents characteristics related to good humor, however internally the feeling can be totally the opposite.

The humor is difficult to measure, hard to perceive and even difficult to define. At the level of good humor, although often deludes the exact definition is, even for the most distracted of the observers: raised head, facial smile, positive energy, right shoulders, light and calm step. As for the low mood: head low, facial features fall like head, energy is low and lack of glare in the look.

“… Since psychotherapy began, her mood has worsened. She cries often, feels guilty, says she hates us. This is not the daughter I know … “

It is very natural that you ask yourself and consider that maybe the treatment does not go well, right?

It turns out, however, that in the recovery of Eating Disorders, mood may not be an indicator of treatment efficacy. The most successful weight restoration is, for example, accompanied by the darkest mood. Most (but not all) young girls with anorexia nervosa report being afraid of getting well. You may want to, as long as it does not involve weight gain.
If on the one hand, losing weight promotes some kind of satisfaction to some internal part of the system, on the other hand, gaining weight is scary. So when a victim of anorexia nervosa excused some kind of action with the intention of losing weight, it can promote pleasure to some internal part of the system. And yet it is horrible. When weight restoration is needed, you may be sad, conflicted, depressed. And yet it is good.

I have often heard reports from parents describing how difficult it is to walk when a young woman is on treatment. The panic, the despair and the aggression come from a person who has always been docile, caring and gentle.
Task is not easy to observe that the son or daughter are in pain. In addition to despair, impotence and frustration, for parents, feelings of pain are also naturally

Who do we blame?

The disease.

Inevitably bring attention to facts, thoughts and feelings, but none of them is as powerful as being present in what is important with unconditional love and acceptance.